Hi, Sorry for newbie question. I want to use some of Angular-Material-Web components in my app e.x image-list / grid-list. According to the Original Documents I need to import a .scss style. Please, can you guide me for this. Thanks in advance.
2 Answer(s)
Hi @csbeginner
angular-cli supports scss but I think it doesn't support both less and scss at the same time, see https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/blob/v6.0.0-rc.8/packages/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json#L108.
So, you can change styleExt in angular.json to scss and convert existing less files to scss.
Or you can search in angular-cli repository if they support multiple styleExt values, https://github.com/angular/angular-cli
Are there any plans on the roadmap to use scss as the default over less?