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SSO using 1 project as Identity Server for other projects #6168

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brallierc created

I asked this question in another thread but that thread was already closed so I am reposting here.

My question is, can I use one instance of ASPNetZero (configured to host Identity Server) as a solution for single sign-on across other ASPNetZero projects. Can this be done "out of the box" with making configuration changes. If so, does it handle the multi-tenancy?

What I am trying to accomplish is having a platform of products that are connected through SSO using ASPNetZero as the Identity Server. If I go to one of those products and I am not logged in I want to be redirected to the ASPNetZero instance that is running as Identity Server, login, and then be redirected back to the product I originally tried to access. If I am already logged in then any of those products in which I have access to should allow me to access them without logging in again.

As I have looked at posts here I seem to get a conflicting answer. If possible, can someone explain the configuration?

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @brallierc

    You can do this but probably it will not work with multi tenancy. You can configure one AspNet Zero app as the Identity Server and use it's address for client App's OpenIdConnect configuration.

    In that way, client AspNet Zero app can authorize via Identity Server AspNet Zero app via multi tenancy.

    But, multi tenancy will be a problem here.