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ASP.NET Zero Power Tools Error #6320

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rbreton created


I am working with ASP.NET Core & Angular and the demo project works well for me, but I have not been able to use the Power Tools.

When creating an entity an error occurs and the project stops working

Please someone has any idea

6 Answer(s)
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    alper created
    Support Team

    is your project building successfully?

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    rbreton created

    yes it

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    cyklussoftware created

    @alper @rbreton This probably isn't related, but there was an issue that I came across the other day while generating an Entity called EventCategory.

    This was the problematic code before:

    modelBuilder.Entity<EventCategory>(e =>
        e.HasIndex(e => new { e.TenantId });

    And after I changed the name of my entity:

    modelBuilder.Entity<SchoolEventCategory>(s =>
        s.HasIndex(e => new { e.TenantId });

    The tool picks what to call the first variable based on the first letter of the entity name. So if anything starts with E, there will be a compile error.

    So, like I said, it's unrelated but a problem.

    @rbreton Did you try building your project after generating all of the code? The specific error would likely show up then.

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    yekalkan created

    duplicate of #6117

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    yekalkan created

    @cyklussoftware thanks for reporting. It will be fixed.

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    rbreton created

    @yekalkan thanks. This worked.