After running migrate data from Migrator project with oracle database,I executed a query with one table in database and it throwed error ORA-00942 although I typed the correct table name. What is wrong here? Can you help me, please?
There are my queries and they have the same error:Error ORA-00942.
select * from HOTROKTKT.Auditquestions
select * from Auditquestions
7 Answer(s)
Are you able to run the app ? Is it just the queries throwing the error ?
I want to check my data and I run my query in PL/SQL or SQL Developer and has an error ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.
select * from HOTROKTKT.Auditquestions
select * from Auditquestions
But if I created my table in PL/SQL or SQL Developer, It execute successfull.
So the table didn't exist?
I haven't used Oracle much but it seems like this is related to case-sensetivity, see
After migrated from project aspnet-core, my table is structured like that:
CREATE TABLE "HOTROKTKT"."AuditQuestions" ( "Id" NUMBER(19,0) GENERATED BY DEFAULT ON NULL AS IDENTITY MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 9999999999999999999999999999 INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 CACHE 20 NOORDER NOCYCLE NOKEEP NOSCALE NOT NULL ENABLE, "CreationTime" TIMESTAMP (7) NOT NULL ENABLE, "CreatorUserId" NUMBER(19,0), "LastModificationTime" TIMESTAMP (7), "LastModifierUserId" NUMBER(19,0), "IsDeleted" NUMBER(1,0) NOT NULL ENABLE, "DeleterUserId" NUMBER(19,0), "DeletionTime" TIMESTAMP (7), "TenantId" NUMBER(10,0), "AuditQuestionCode" NVARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL ENABLE, "AuditQuestionContent" VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR) NOT NULL ENABLE, "ParentId" NUMBER(19,0), "BussinessId" NUMBER(19,0) NOT NULL ENABLE, "LocalSoftwareId" NUMBER(19,0) NOT NULL ENABLE, "IsActive" NVARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL ENABLE, "IsHoData" NUMBER(10,0), PRIMARY KEY ("Id"));
And if I want to select data from AuditQuestions using PL/SQL or SQL Developer, my query must include quotation mark (") with table name or column name.
How can I fix it with my Enity?
I have solved this problem