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Chat with host options? #6638

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byeniceri created


I already assigned tenants to chat only host. But when I login as tenant I couldnt see the chat with host options.

4 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @byeniceri

    The feature "Chat with host" only allows tenant users to add Host users as a friend. It doesn't show any additional UI component.

    Basically, we don't want any user to seach for other users then their own tenant (or host). So, in your case, Tenant users can manually enter a username for a host user and add that user as a friend. This feature is all about this.

    Let us know if there are any unclear points.

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    byeniceri created


    Actually I couldnt find host user from tenant. I need a solution which is tenant can directly chat with host. Is this possible?

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    byeniceri created

    any idea?

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @byeniceri

    Normally, Tenant users can't search Host users. They must know the username they want to chat with. To add a host user you should write like ".\admin" into the username field of chat bar. Normally info icon should tell you this. Does that work in your case ?