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JianYan created


I am quite new in ASP.Net programming.

If I want to bundle the JQUERY MINICOLORS, shall I use NuGet to add it or manually change the AppBundleConfig file?

If to use Nuget, can you provide me a short guide on it?

By the way, now I added all files manually into the project, it works, but I got some strange layout i the modal dialog with color picker. Is there any known problem in those component in modal dialog in general?


1 Answer(s)
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    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    You should always change AppBundleConfig as you want to add a new css/js to bundles. There is no difference if you are using nuget or not.

    Use nuget wherever possible. But some js packages may not be exists on nuget or they maybe out of date. In that case, you can manually download and add to libs folder as we do.

    Since JQUERY MINICOLORS is a 3rd party library, I don't have experince on it. But AspNet Zero has no restriction. You can search on the web if it has problems with bootstrap modal.

    Thanks, Have a nice day.