Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "JianYan"


I saw there are some posts about similiar request (Subscription per tenant, charged based on number of users created). Is it still in the road map?

If it is, is there any planned release date?

If not, is there any suggestion on how to implement it? Any other component / API to use? As I understand, I can copy the stripe part of code and modify based on it. But can I invoice different amount every month depends on the number of users he has to the customer?



I am quite new in ASP.Net programming.

If I want to bundle the JQUERY MINICOLORS, shall I use NuGet to add it or manually change the AppBundleConfig file?

If to use Nuget, can you provide me a short guide on it?

By the way, now I added all files manually into the project, it works, but I got some strange layout i the modal dialog with color picker. Is there any known problem in those component in modal dialog in general?


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