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Developing Console Applications #6671

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Rockblast created

Hello, I'm very new with ASPNetZero. I'm trying to develop a Console Application for connect with my AspNetZero MyProject.Application layer.

I found some information related to develop this kind of application for ABP framework, for example i try with: AbpEfConsoleApp ->

And with

But always with fails.

Suppose that I have a Zero project called MyProject.

I have several project layers MyProject.EntityFrameworkCore with MyProjectEntityFrameworkCoreModule MyProject.BlastReport.Application with MyProjectApplicationModule

I need to make a Console Application for invoke Services developed on MyProject.BlastReport.Application.

Any idea if exist some kind of example console application for ASPNetZero?

Do I need to use Authorization and User Services?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    Rockblast created

    I found a solution based on ABP documentation.

    The key is use ABPSession

    Merging AbpEfConsoleApp and ABPSession works for me
