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Error on "Should change password on next login" #6673

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mobility created

Hi guys

we found the following bug in the admin portal:

following situation: host admin logs into admin portal he navigates to administration - users and activates the option "Should change password on next login" of a user.

if this user tries to logon the next time with his credentials, he can't.

after he entered his credentials the page fades out and in the foreground the waiting circle is circling around . in the background you can see the change password page but the user is not able to enter any values.

the user has to restart the application (refreh the browser by hitting f5)

we are using zero v6.7.0 core + angular

As I'm new to the forum and git: where would you like us to post errors / issues ?


2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    aaron created
    Support Team

    Fixed in v6.8.

    As I'm new to the forum and git: where would you like us to post errors / issues ?

    • GitHub: Bug reports ("I know something's wrong") on the latest version, Feature requests ("this would be great for everyone, not just me")
    • Forum: Support requests ("why is it not working"), Implementation requests ("how to use this") specific to ASP<span></span>.NET Zero
    • Stack Overflow: Implementation requests about ASP<span></span>.NET Boilerplate framework, Dependency injection, C# syntax, etc.

    This question is correctly posted here.

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    homecarepulse created

    I also have this exact problem. I have only set up the default template, with only the changes specified in the Getting Started doc.

    If I manually go into the database and forcefully set the AbpUsers ShouldChangePasswordOnNextLogin field to false, I can login, but something is definitely wrong with the generated template. In the browser's developer tab, there are not Javascript errors, and no errors in the Network tab either.

    This also behaves exactly the same after I Publish/Deploy in exactly the same fashion.

    Edit: Sorry, I just noticed the mention of "Fixed in v6.8". I was on 6.7 as well.