I am using v6.8 Angular/Core.
The template includes Metronic theme (I understand v5), however there are amny styles in Metronic that are not in the ASP.NET Zero template. For example. I want to use the 'kt-section' styles which are shown in the Metronic 5 preview ([https://keenthemes.com/metronic/preview/?page=components/base/typography&demo=default]
This displays as follows:
In the relevant source the HTML from the above Metronic preview page is:
<div class="kt-section">
<span class="kt-section__info">
All HTML headings, <code><h1></code> through <code><h6></code>, are available.
<div class="kt-section__content kt-section__content--solid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<h1>h1. Heading 1</h1>
<div class="kt-space-10"></div>
<h2>h2. Heading 2</h2>
<div class="kt-space-10"></div>
<h3>h3. Heading 3</h3>
<div class="kt-space-10"></div>
<h4>h4. Heading 4</h4>
<div class="kt-space-10"></div>
<h5>h5. Heading 5</h5>
<div class="kt-space-10"></div>
<h6>h6. Heading 6</h6>
<div class="col-md-6">
<h1 class="kt-font-success">h1. Heading 1</h1>
<div class="kt-space-10"></div>
<h2 class="kt-font-info">h2. Heading 2</h2>
<div class="kt-space-10"></div>
<h3 class="kt-font-warning">h3. Heading 3</h3>
<div class="kt-space-10"></div>
<h4 class="kt-font-danger">h4. Heading 4</h4>
<div class="kt-space-10"></div>
<h5 class="kt-font-primary">h5. Heading 5</h5>
<div class="kt-space-10"></div>
<h6 class="kt-font-brand">h6. Heading 6</h6>
Yet all these 'kt*' classes are not present in the ASPNET Zero CSS's so can not be used.
1). Am I missing or missunderstanding something here? 2). If they are not included, how can they be included (I have a seperate metronic license).
2 Answer(s)
The online demo of Metronic is updated, it is Metronic v6 but currently AspNet Zero uses v5.x of Metronic. So, for now, instead of you should use "m--font-success" instead of "kt-font-success".
Basically you need to replace "kt-" with "m--" in the styles.
That works, thanks @ismcagdas!
I also see on GitHub that upgrading to Metronic v6 is a possibly scheduled as an ASPNET Zero v7 upgrade.
Thank you.