Hello guys,
recently I bought ASP.NET Zero as a starter for a new project (actually it is a redesign of an existing project). I'd like to use DevExtreme components since there are widgets I need in my application (dashboards, pivot grids), additionally "standard" widgets like textbox, dropdown, ... provide rich experience.
I found the following article from one of your developers describing how to integrate DevExtreme with ASP.NET Zero: https://medium.com/volosoft/devextreme-asp-net-zero-integration-444ea26d0fc5
In die article, the author states: "We suggest you to use JQuery version of DevExtereme for ASP.NET Zero MVC & jQuery version rather than DevExtreme ASP.NET Core components (HTML helpers) since it better fits to our design."
Could you explain why the jQuery version better fits into ASP.NET Zero? I don't really unterstand this as data binding seems easier to me in Core Version (by using model) than in jQuery version (creating custom data store, writing much more lines of code). What are disadvantages of using the ASP.NET Core Version?
Thanks in advance Claus
2 Answer(s)
Hi @cbogner85
I believe in the time of writing this article, extension points of DevExtreme HTML helpers was limited. If it works for you well right now, you can use it.
If you have any problems whil using it, we can try to help you.
just to give some feedback (maybe somebody else comes up with this question in the future): after working with DevExpress and ASP.NET Zero I quickly understood why you suggested jQuery version.
It's true that it fits better to ASP.NET Zero and after working with it for a while, I even started to prefer it over the Tag Helpers. :)
Therefore, I'd also suggest everybody to use jQuery version.