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Themes #6962

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dev_frontrush created

We are considering introducing SCSS for some universal items but as far as I know Zero uses LESS for themes and the angular cli doesn't support mixing OTB. Now I know we could make it work some additional build tasks or bundling but would like to hear from the Zero team on what the pros and cons would be in doing so.

My take is to use the theming engine as Zero has implemented with any theme related deviations in the actual themes or theme bundles using LESS. Some of the team has a preference for SCSS but I don't see the benefits of deviation just for the sake of including another preprocessor.

Something I was considering is converting all of the less files to scss files and using scss as the preprocessor but in future merges/updates would need to keep track of any changes to theme specific style changes and convert or just reconvert everytime we merge with the latest.

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @dev_frontrush

    Something I was considering is converting all of the less files to scss files and using scss as the preprocessor but in future merges/updates would need to keep track of any changes to theme specific style changes and convert or just reconvert everytime we merge with the latest.

    This is a good idea if you want to use scss. There is a little work each time when you merge with AspNet Zero's latest version but maybe you can automate it.