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abp.ui.setBusy: how do I implement the spinner? #6973

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aquasource created

I am trying to use abp.ui.setBusy as per below but cannot get the spinner to work:

abp.ui.setBusy( $('#MyLoginForm'), abp.ajax({ ... })

In the documentation I read the following: "The UI Busy API is implemented using spin.js. To make it work, you must include its JavaScript file, then include abp.spin.js to your page (See this JavaScript file for the simple implementation and defaults)."

Unfortunately there is no link provided to the JavaScript example file. Can anyone help please?

3 Answer(s)
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    aaron created
    Support Team

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    aquasource created

    Thanks. I'm unclear how I would incorporate this with a call of the following form (which automatically unblocks the page when the promise is completed):

    abp.ui.setBusy( $('#MyLoginForm'), abp.ajax({ ... })

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    maliming created
    Support Team

    hi @aquasource Many times you can refer to Zero's code.