regiroy created
5 Answer(s)
Hi @regiroy
Is this one of AspNet Zero's default pages ?
Hi @regiroy
Could you share related html/cshtml and js/ts file with me ? As I can see, we don't have this behaviour on our side.
@Component({ selector: 'date-range-picker', template:
<input #DateRangePicker type="text" class="form-control" [disabled]="isDisabled"/>
}) export class DateRangePickerComponent extends AppComponentBase implements AfterViewInit {@ViewChild('DateRangePicker') dateRangePickerElement: ElementRef; _startDate: moment.Moment = moment().startOf('day'); _endDate: moment.Moment = moment().startOf('day'); @Input() isDisabled = false; @Input() allowFutureDate = false; @Input() isSingleDatePicker = false; @Input() dateRangePickerOptions: any = undefined; @Output() startDateChange = new EventEmitter(); @Output() endDateChange = new EventEmitter(); @Input() get startDate() { return this._startDate; } set startDate(val) { this._startDate = val; this.startDateChange.emit(this._startDate); } @Input() get endDate() { return this._endDate; } set endDate(val) { this._endDate = val; this.endDateChange.emit(this._endDate); } constructor( injector: Injector, private _element: ElementRef ) { super(injector); } ngAfterViewInit(): void { const $element = $(this.dateRangePickerElement.nativeElement); const _selectedDateRange = { startDate: this._startDate, endDate: this._endDate }; if (!this.dateRangePickerOptions) { this.dateRangePickerOptions = { singleDatePicker: this.isSingleDatePicker }; } $element.daterangepicker( $.extend(true, this.createDateRangePickerOptions(), this.dateRangePickerOptions, _selectedDateRange), (start, end, label) => { this.startDate = start; this.endDate = end; }); } createDateRangePickerOptions(): any { const self = this; const options: any = { locale: { format: 'L', applyLabel: self.l('Apply'), cancelLabel: self.l('Cancel'), customRangeLabel: self.l('CustomRange') }, autoApply: true ,ranges: {} }; if (!this.isSingleDatePicker) { if (!this.allowFutureDate) { options.max = moment(); options.maxDate = moment(); } options.ranges[self.l('Today')] = [moment().startOf('day'), moment().endOf('day')]; options.ranges[self.l('Yesterday')] = [moment().subtract(1, 'days').startOf('day'), moment().subtract(1, 'days').endOf('day')]; options.ranges[self.l('Last7Days')] = [moment().subtract(6, 'days').startOf('day'), moment().endOf('day')]; options.ranges[self.l('Last30Days')] = [moment().subtract(29, 'days').startOf('day'), moment().endOf('day')]; options.ranges[self.l('ThisMonth')] = [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')]; options.ranges[self.l('LastMonth')] = [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')]; } return options; }
Hi @regiroy,
We have moved to https://valor-software.com/ngx-bootstrap/#/datepicker#basic
I think you are using an old version of AspNet Zero. Could you use this for your daterangepicker ? ngx-bootstrap must be included in your project.