i will use migrator to update my database.when i copy the compiled migrator folder, and run it. i get error missing many dependencies from Migrator.deps.json. i try copy all my dlls from web project. i still get error 'SqlClient.dll version 4.6.0' not found, actually it has a SqlClient.dll with version 4.6.27110.4.
what is the correct process to upgrade/create databse using Migrator in production enviorment?
3 Answer(s)
@maliming it works. do i need to rebuild the migrator every other source codes(like web) changed? or just copy only my project updated dll(not migrator) to this dir ?
XXX.Migrator only depends on the XXX.EntityFrameworkCore project. So in general you don't need to rebuild.
You need to rebuild Migrator project when needed instead of copying other dll files.