We are about to begin our first new application with ASP.NET Zero and are really excited!
We have a series of non-production environments that we need the code to go through (Dev Test, QA, etc.) before we release to production.
Is there anything specific we need to do to support that?
Thanks, //mac
3 Answer(s)
Hi @mac, are you looking for something like azure pipeline?
There is a document about how to deploy ANZ to Azure Pipeline
See https://docs.aspnetzero.com/documents/aspnet-core-mvc/latest/Setting-Up-an-Azure-Pipeline-Mvc-Core
Yes, specifically Octopus Deploy. This means that once the application is built, it will be deployed to separate locations (something like qa.appname.com, demo.appname.com, etc. ).
That document didn't seem to go quite that far.
Hi @mac
Unfortunately, we don't have a document with Octopus Deploy but the deployment steps will be similar to document above.
If you the version you are using (JQuery or Angular 8), we can share something more specific.