Are others using HMR (Hot Module Replacement) ? I've enabled it, but it only seems to work for the angular/src/styles.css file.
It doesnt work with LESS files (they trigger a full page reload). And the same is goes for .html files.
Interested to know if others have manged to get this working accross all files.
3 Answer(s)
Hi, please share your ANZ and angular version.
this could be related to
Hi @ryancyq
@angular/cli = 7.3.9 .netzero = 7.0. (we are in the process of upgrading to 7, but HMR didn't work in ealrier versions for us.
If I create a plain angular app it works prefectly, including the hot reloadinig of HTML and JS.
What is your experience with HMR on .netzero?
Hi @xugowebteam
Could you create an issue on GitHub and let us check this ?