The language management module mentioned here <a class="postlink" href=""> ... management</a> is missing in the template. Please help me out on how I can include it in my project
3 Answer(s)
Which version you're using? It's added to template in v1.6 (<a class="postlink" href=""> ... 2015-11-12</a>). If your template is built after that, maybe you removed permission from the current user, so you can not see it in the menu.
Recently we have updated the version to 1.7. The problem is, I don't see the source code for language settings page. But I can see the source code of other built in features such as audit log
Here, language management UI files in the template: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... /languages</a>
If you don't have this files, you can copy from here or create the project again with the same name and then copy from there.