I found this in /LogFiles/Application/:
2017-05-31T22:27:39 PID[1192] Verbose log4net:ERROR [RollingFileAppender] Unable to acquire lock on file D:\home\site\wwwroot\Logs\Logs.txt. The process cannot access the file 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Logs\Logs.txt' because it is being used by another process.
Hi support,
We are facing an issue with the Odata API. One of the Odata API is not working while specifying the column name. API return below error message (internally it throwing 500 exceptions).
URL eg: <a class="postlink" href="https://customerURL.net/odata/APIName">https://customerURL.net/odata/APIName</a>?<span style="color:#FF0000">$select=Name</span>
In controller there is no exception, it returns value. But after that application is crashing. We have implemented exception handling like below but this error is not logging.
Please advise how we can identify & resolve this issue.
How can I return DTOs instead of entities in OData as AbpODataEntityController accepts TEntity only. Is there a way I can achieve it so that I don't have to go off the framework and build my own Odata module.
I want to create a user without using the tenant session(without even signing in and session). When I tried to make the entry to the User table and got the error message saying 'the username already taken'. That means a different tenant is using the same username.
That pretty much explains, I cannot create user with a username which exists in the table keeping the filter AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant turned off. So, I shoud keep it turned on, But when I try to create the user I get the error message 'Can not set TenantId to a different value than the current filter parameter value or IAbpSession.TenantId while MayHaveTenant filter is enabled'. The weird thing is, it still makes an entry to the database when the request is 'complete'.
Actually my requirement is to create some users under a particular tenant in a loop through a job. as soon as I create each user, I need to get the Id of the user to do some mapping to other tables. Since it makes the entry in the database only after the request cycle, I am not able to get the id of the user to execute my remaining business logic. I tried using 'CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChanges();' but this method throws the error I explained above 'Can not set TenantId to a different value than the current filter parameter value or IAbpSession.TenantId while MayHaveTenant filter is enabled'. Please let me know what I should do.
I have been trying to download the source code of the latest template as zip from Git. Browser throws virus detected error towards the end of the download and discards automatically.
I want the footer to stick to the bottom of the browser page? Any easy way to do this? Code sample please? ....struggling with the theme i'm afraid.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks ant
Recently we have updated the version to 1.7. The problem is, I don't see the source code for language settings page. But I can see the source code of other built in features such as audit log
The language management module mentioned here <a class="postlink" href="http://aspnetzero.com/Documents/Development-Guide#language-management">http://aspnetzero.com/Documents/Develop ... management</a> is missing in the template. Please help me out on how I can include it in my project
for a query like following
var query = UserManager.Users .Include(u => u.Roles) .WhereIf( !input.Filter.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(), u => u.Name.Contains(input.Filter) || u.Surname.Contains(input.Filter) || u.UserName.Contains(input.Filter) || u.EmailAddress.Contains(input.Filter) );
framework throws error
The method 'Abp.Authorization.Users.AbpUserBase.get_UserName' is not a property accessor
To fix the issue, I have to enumerate( call ToList()) and query the list, which gives me performance issues.
We recently upgraded the framework and currently we are facing the below errors
'Abp.MultiTenancy.AbpTenantManager<Devicedesk.Focus.MultiTenancy.Tenant,Devicedesk.Focus.Authorization.Roles.Role,Devicedesk.Focus.Authorization.Users.User>' does not contain a constructor that takes 1 arguments
'Abp.Authorization.Users.AbpUserStore<Devicedesk.Focus.MultiTenancy.Tenant,Devicedesk.Focus.Authorization.Roles.Role,Devicedesk.Focus.Authorization.Users.User>' does not contain a constructor that takes 7 arguments
'Abp.Authorization.Users.AbpUserManager<Devicedesk.Focus.MultiTenancy.Tenant,Devicedesk.Focus.Authorization.Roles.Role,Devicedesk.Focus.Authorization.Users.User>' does not contain a constructor that takes 10 arguments
'Abp.Authorization.Roles.AbpRoleStore<Devicedesk.Focus.MultiTenancy.Tenant,Devicedesk.Focus.Authorization.Roles.Role,Devicedesk.Focus.Authorization.Users.User>' does not contain a constructor that takes 4 arguments
Abp.Application.Editions.AbpEditionManager' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments
Can you please let us know how we can resolve the above errors
We have upgraded most of the packages found in
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Zero/Nuget-Packages">http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/ ... t-Packages</a> <a class="postlink" href="http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Nuget-Packages">http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/ ... t-Packages</a>
except the below packages
As the above packages are not referred in the projects