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Activities of "antpstevens"

I found this in /LogFiles/Application/:

2017-05-31T22:27:39  PID[1192] Verbose     log4net:ERROR [RollingFileAppender] Unable to acquire lock on file D:\home\site\wwwroot\Logs\Logs.txt. The process cannot access the file 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Logs\Logs.txt' because it is being used by another process.

Recently we have updated the version to 1.7. The problem is, I don't see the source code for language settings page. But I can see the source code of other built in features such as audit log

Thanks John.

But do you have any pending changes to be checked-in? Currently I could see the changes in following files.

src/MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web/App_Start/Startup.cs src/MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web/MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web.csproj src/MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web/Web.config src/MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web/packages.config

Now while clicking on the Azure login button, it's taking the user to Azure login page and redirecting back to the ExternalLoginCallback(string returnUrl, string tenancyName = "") method

But as loginInfo is coming as null it's again redirecting to the login page.

var loginInfo = await AuthenticationManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();
            if (loginInfo == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Login");
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