In *appsettings.json ` "ConnectionStrings": {
//Below commented string is working perfectly, Pointing my local machine.
//"Default": "Server=DESKTOP-GMHSAJV; Database=PhoneBookDemoDb; Trusted_Connection=True;"
// after pointing to server(115.XXX.XX.X9), it is not working.**
"Default": "Server=115.XXX.XX.X9; Database=PhoneBookDemoDb;User ID=sa;Password=xxxxxxxxxx;Trusted_Connection=True;"
when I pass update-database command in pakage manager console PM>update-database
Gives below error : Error Number:18452,State:1,Class:14 Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication.
Can you please guid how to set server's database's connection string as default string.
3 Answer(s)
Remove "Trusted_Connection=True;" from the connectionString, if you are not using Windows Authentication. Looks like you are using a SQL Server user to connect to the database.
can you connect that sql server with using ssms or one of visual studio sql server extension? That server may only accept Windows Authentication mode.
Hi Mr.Oaalvarado, I Removed "Trusted_Connection=True" and it is working, Thank you so much.
**Hi Mr. demirmusa , ** Sir I connecting it to SSMS. thanks