I download module zero, and there is example for using modal dialog to create question. But now, I would like to pass parameter to modal dialog, I use resolve to pass parameter, so I make following change:
In index.js
vm.showEditRoleDialog = function (roleId) {
var modalInstance = $modal.open({
templateUrl: abp.appPath + 'App/Main/views/roles/editDialog.cshtml',
controller: 'app.views.roles.editDialog as vm',
id: function () { return angular.copy(roleId); }
size: 'md'
And then in modalDialog.js
(function () {
var controllerId = 'app.views.roles.editDialog';
angular.module('app').controller(controllerId, [
'abp.services.app.role', '$modalInstance',
function (roleService, $modalInstance,id) {
var vm = this;
vm.id = id;
vm.role = null;
But the value of parameter id is not passed, could you please give me some suggestion?
6 Answer(s)
You should use:
resolve: { id: function () { return roleId; } },
Instead using:
I make changes to:
resolve: { id: function () { return roleId; } },
But the value of parameter id still not be passed. Any advice?
I found there is an error thrown 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined '
resolved by using $scope to pass parameter, please see following sample code. But I am still do not know what's the problem when I use resolver to pass parameter.
in index.js
$scope.editRoleId = 0; vm.showEditRoleDialog = function (roleId) { $scope.editRoleId = roleId; var modalInstance = $modal.open({ templateUrl: abp.appPath + 'App/Main/views/roles/editDialog.cshtml', controller: 'app.views.roles.editDialog as vm', size: 'md', scope:$scope, }); modalInstance.result.then(function () { vm.loadRoles(); }); };
in modalDialog.js
(function () { var controllerId = 'app.views.roles.editDialog'; angular.module('app').controller(controllerId, [ 'abp.services.app.role', '$modalInstance','$scope', function (roleService, $modalInstance,$scope) { var vm = this; vm.editRoleId = $scope.editRoleId; } ]); })();
Actually, this topic is completely related to AngularJs. Maybe you can find better help in an angularjs forum or in stackowerflow.
But, as I see in your first post, you missed to add 'id' to injection list. Use this:
(function () { var controllerId = 'app.views.roles.editDialog'; angular.module('app').controller(controllerId, [ 'abp.services.app.role', '$modalInstance', 'id', function (roleService, $modalInstance,id) { var vm = this; vm.id = id; vm.role = null; } ]); })();
Thanks so much. Yes, add 'id' to injection list, then it works fine.