You should use:
id: function () { return roleId; }
Instead using:
Thanks for your support. It worked!
Angular controller can not call application service. Please review bellow code:
Angular controller:
angular.module('app').controller(controllerId, [
function (log4netService) {
var vm = this;
My application service:
public class Log4NetService : ApplicationService, ILog4NetService
Chrome console throw an error (please review attachment picture):
Hi hikalkan,
abp.localization.values['AbpWeb'] = {
'AreYouSure' : 'Are you sure?',
'Cancel' : 'Cancel',
'InternalServerError' : 'An internal error occured during your request!',
'ValidationError' : 'Your request is not valid!',
'Yes' : 'Yes'
Do you mean that code in abp.js? If so, it doesn't contain bellow code.
@apexdodge and @hikalkan Thanks for your help. I will set default tenant to 1 for all role and user.
Thanks for your help!
Hi all,
Could you show me same example about role and role permission in module zero?