Base solution for your next web application
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Activities of "dinhienhy"

You should use:

                           id: function () { return roleId; }

Instead using:


Hi all,

I tried to deploy my web application to host but I saw that:

  • css files which are included in file all.css are not loaded.
  • font files which are included in css file are not loaded.

Please review screen shot

Thanks for your support. It worked!


Angular controller can not call application service. Please review bellow code:

Angular controller:

angular.module('app').controller(controllerId, [
        function (log4netService) {
            var vm = this;

My application service:

public class Log4NetService : ApplicationService, ILog4NetService

Chrome console throw an error (please review attachment picture):

Do i have any mistake about convention code?

Hi hikalkan,

  1. <script src="/AbpScripts/GetScripts" type="text/javascript"></script> bellow script has been include to page.
abp.localization.values['AbpWeb'] = {
        'AreYouSure' : 'Are you sure?',
        'Cancel' : 'Cancel',
        'InternalServerError' : 'An internal error occured during your request!',
        'ValidationError' : 'Your request is not valid!',
        'Yes' : 'Yes'

Do you mean that code in abp.js? If so, it doesn't contain bellow code.

@apexdodge and @hikalkan Thanks for your help. I will set default tenant to 1 for all role and user.

Hi all,

After update latest Abp framework from nut-get, It throw an exception in javascript (Please take a look at attachment image)

Please give me some advice to fix it,


Hi all,

I tried to use AbpPermissions with attribute for controller:

[AbpAuthorize(Permissions= new String[]{"CanSetting"})]

But it throw an Abp.AbpException: There is no user with id. Please review my database in attachment image.

Please give me some advice to configuration permision.


Thanks for your help!

Hi all,

Could you show me same example about role and role permission in module zero?


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