abrewer created
I use LinqPad as a rapid prototyping tool. There latest version 6 will support .net core. https://www.linqpad.net/LINQPad6.aspx
I would like to use linqpad to "talk" to my DLLs. I am executing the following code.
void Main()
var myService = IocManager.Instance.Resolve<LoadsAppService>();
and getting the following error.
ComponentNotFoundException: No component for supporting the service Orca.LogisticsDomain.LoadsAppService was found
Any help to get me talking with linqpad would be much appreciated!
3 Answer(s)
If you want to start the abp system in the console, please refer to:
static void Main(string[] args) { //Bootstrapping ABP system using (var bootstrapper = AbpBootstrapper.Create<MyConsoleAppModule>()) { bootstrapper.IocManager .IocContainer .AddFacility<LoggingFacility>(f => f.UseLog4Net().WithConfig("log4net.config")); bootstrapper.Initialize(); //Getting a Tester object from DI and running it using (var tester = bootstrapper.IocManager.ResolveAsDisposable<Tester>()) { tester.Object.Run(); } //Disposes tester and all it's dependencies Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); } }
Using your suggested technique did not resolve the issue. Same error.
Please share the code for
, is it registered in the dependency injection container?