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Get id of new row #7442

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antonis created


I have the following code

Client newClient = await clientRepository.InsertAsync(clientInput);

return ObjectMapper.Map(newClient);

I am trying to return the new id back to the client. But apparently the Id of the newClient is a huge number -9223372036854775000 which means that the row was inserted but for some reason the Id was not set in the Client object.

How can I overcome this issue?

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    exlnt created

    Here is an example of how I do it in my app.

         public async Task CreateAddress(CreateAddressInput input)
                var address = ObjectMapper.Map
    (input); if (AbpSession.TenantId != null) { address.TenantId = (int)AbpSession.TenantId; } //Create address var newId = await _addressRepository.InsertAndGetIdAsync(address); return newId; }
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    Use the InsertAndGetIdAsync method or manually call the SaveChanges method of the current unit of work.