Hello, We have boilerplate project , in layout.cshtml we have render following css file
<link rel="stylesheet" abp-href="/view-resources/Areas/App/Views/_Bundles/vendors.bundle.css" asp-append-version="true" />
I have alredy added asp-append-version attriubtue that render with version and whenever we change anything in css file it will update in next publish But we abp-href attribute not allowing to render version.
If i replace abp-href with href only then it renders like below on the page
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/view-resources/Areas/App/Views/_Bundles/vendors.bundle.css?v=0l9zLicnowsXZpVQU1j7_kKT4IoqT-6EWfm-5dkrzqo&v=0l9zLicnowsXZpVQU1j7_kKT4IoqT-6EWfm-5dkrzqo" href="/view-resources/Areas/App/Views/_Bundles/vendors.bundle.css" />
Can you please guide us what is the use of abp-href and why it is not working with versioning ?
Our boilerplate version is 4.0
6 Answer(s)
Our boilerplate version is 4.0
Are you talking about Zero?
- What is your product version?
- What is your product type (Angular or MVC)?
- What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)?
Or is it a free startup template for ABP?
Are you talking about Zero? --> Yes
What is your product version? --> 4.0
What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? --> MVC
What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? --> .net core
Or is it a free startup template for ABP? --> No it is not free startup it is paid.
Can you share the complete code for your
?Of course you can also refer to the latest TagHelpers code.
Can you please reply us ? what should we do ?
Hi, can you share the code of how you use with and without
?as mentioned by @maliming, you can share the tag helper at https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/blob/dev/aspnet-core/src/MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web.Mvc/TagHelpers/AbpZeroTemplateLinkHrefTagHelper.cs with one in your project to check if there is any difference