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Disable bundling and minifying in debug mode? #7516

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cbogner85 created


When I add a new View, corresponding script is placed in wwwroot/view-resources/Area/App/Views/ViewName/Index.js This file is included in bundleconfig, therefore, I have to run npm run create-bundles in background, otherwise changes in js file won't be updated.

However, whenever I save the js file, it takes about 20 seconds to rebundle the whole project. Since I'm working in js code most of the time, I have to wait a lot for my changes to be applied. Sometimes I only change a simple typing error, then rebuilding takes 20 seconds, then there is another typing error so I have to wait again and so on... this really slows down my development process.

Is there any possibility to disable or accelerate bundling/ minifying process while debugging (of course with having my js files up-to-date though)?

ASP.NET Core & jQuery, v7.0

Thanks Claus

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