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Add Column to OrganizationUnit Table #7640

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OriAssurant created

Hi Support,

I was trying to add an OrganizationUnitType column to AbpOrganizationUnits table, I created OrganizationUnitExtension class inherited from OrganizationUnit:

public class OrganizationUnitExtension : OrganizationUnit
    public short OrganizationUnitTypeId { get; set; }

    public OrganizationUnitExtension(int? tenantId, string displayName, short organizationUnitTypeId, long? parentId = null)   : base(tenantId, displayName, parentId)
        OrganizationUnitTypeId = organizationUnitTypeId;

And add following line to PostInitialize method of the CoreModule.cs:

Configuration.ReplaceService<OrganizationUnit, OrganizationUnitExtension>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);

but seems the there are a lot more dependencies on this table, no matter input/output dtos or dataset.

Is there a better way to modify the table? Could we use RAD tool?

Thank you,

1 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team

    hi oriassurant

    Please refer to the Extending Existing Entities documentation.