If LDAP authentication is used (.NET Core + Angular), are there any difficulties (additional request for password,...) to access files on external network drives (with the same AD credentials which are used for authenticating in ANZ)?
For instance. ANZ-based app would be hosted on application server, but files would be stored/located on multiple different external network drives inside local network.
Administrator for files on these network drives would assign which AD user could access specific file.
ANZ-based app should be able gracefully handle file access permission stuff transparent as possible.
Thank you for advices.
3 Answer(s)
Hi @leonkosak
Sorry for our late response. To be honest, we haven't tried such a scenario before. Have you tried it ? Did you face any problems ?
No, but potential customer for ANZ (or abp.io) has such feature request (and it's one of the major features if I understand the system correctly). :)
I couldn't give them an answer to this question. -
I found something like this:
using (new NetworkCredential("user", "pass")) { CredentialCache testCache = new CredentialCache(); testCache.Add(new Uri("\\\\"), "Basic", testCreds); File.Create("\\\\\\testfolder\\test.txt"); }
But I suggest you to test it before purchasing AspNet Zero.