Hi Team,
Im trying to update existing fee structre of Editions but im not able to see provision, could you please help me on that.
4 Answer(s)
Do you mean editing the
subscription price
? -
Yes we have this option, but im asking about subscription Fee in Edit action it self as i want increase existing Edition only.
Hi @cellofane_admin, inability to update pricing for existing Edition is by design.
After creating an edition, only name and features of the edition can be changed. If you have made a mistake while creating the edition or if you want users to stop subscribing this edition, just delete the edition and create another one. Since Edition is a soft-delete entity, it will not be deleted from database but will be marked as deleted.
See https://docs.aspnetzero.com/documents/aspnet-core-angular/latest/Features-Angular-Edition-Management
Thank you