I have been able to run the application but am having challenges log into the backend, Tenancy name, User name or email, Password and there is no place to register. I also runned the angular app and am unable to login and the interface looks very much out of order same apply to the public website to. I am yet to try the mobile apps. I also made a typo in my project name and it seems there is no opprtunity to correct that. My main request is that I would like to run the default applications to look like the one in your online demo. Thanks for your assistance in this regard.
2 Answer(s)
I have managed to resolve most of my issue and the application is running alright. I am still yet to try the mobile apps. And also be able to correct the typo in my project name. I also can find the quick nav control. Thanks
Thank you for informing us @A4amen