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Tenancy name is not resolved when upgrading to version 7.2.0 #8236

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MellowoodMedical created

Hi ,

We recently upgraded to version 7.2.0. We are deploying API and Angular UI as seperate App on IIS. Before the upgrade, the Tenancy name was correctly resolved for the same set up. but after , tenancy name is not resolving correctly and the request from is redirected to . We could see that the tenancy name is not resolved in the redirected URL.

We have https://{TENANCY_NAME} in "remoteServiceBaseUrl" and "appurl" of appsettings . The URL we are expecting to be resolved is . The API is working as expected if we browse the API url.

one more issue we have identified is that on hosting application on server, it is expected to read settings from appsettings.production when the path is not defined. But it is now reading values from appsettings.json. Was there any change in the default values for environment?

Please let me know any further information is required.

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