I am trying to implement OU in my application. Application has an entity called "Project" which has one to Many Relation with "DataModules". Projects and DataModules has restricted access to User based on their Individual Roles assigned per Project per DataModules.Permission such as "Create_a_Project" / "Edit_A_DataModule" can be assigned to a User to Create a New Project. or Editing and many more permission.
Current Requirement is to map Project and DataModules to Project to User, Roles and DataModules to User, Roles.I have checked Organisation Unit which has very similar functionality, but I am wondering with the permission, permission itself is linked with the Roles.
Suppose, If OU's has a member which does not have permission to "Create_a_Project" Role before and now assigned with new Role(without adding in Permission) in OU, would the user granted to Create_a_Project? Authorization will work as its designed without entry in abppermissions table, meaning it would override the permission?
3 Answer(s)
Hi Team, Please update!
Hi @JakeMem
Sorry for the delay. Answer to your question is Yes. User will get his/her own assigned permissions directly or via user's roles and user's roles assigned via user's OUs.
Here is the related code https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/blob/dev/src/Abp.ZeroCore/Authorization/Users/AbpUserStore.cs#L709
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