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UpdateAsync example #839

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acrigney created

Would you be able to give me an UpdateAsync example

I have this code.

public async Task<PatientBodyImage> PostSetPatientBodyImageStateAsync(PatientBodyImageInput input)

        PatientBodyImage patientBodyImage = _patientBodyImageRepository.Get(input.Id);

        Logger.Debug("Setting  a new image state async: " + input.Name);
        var update = await _patientBodyImageRepository.UpdateAsync(input.Id, async (x) =>
            await Task.Run(() => UpdateImageState(patientBodyImage, input));                

        return (update);

Havent tested it uet
Love your work!!

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    I assume that this method is in an application service.
    If it is, you should not return your Entity to client. Instead you should use a dto object like PatientBodyImageDto.

    An example update might be like:

    public async Task PostSetPatientBodyImageStateAsync(IdInput input)
        PatientBodyImage patientBodyImage = await _patientBodyImageRepository.GetAsync(input.Id);
        Logger.Debug("Setting a new image state async: " + input.Name);
        patientBodyImage.State = PatientBodyImageStates.Approved;
        var update = await _patientBodyImageRepository.UpdateAsync(patientBodyImage);
        return update.MapTo();

    You have to create PatientBodyImageDto class and put an attribute on it for AutoMapping.


    I hope this helps.

  • User Avatar
    acrigney created

    Thats great about returning the DTO I forgot about that!

    And also your code is much simpler.

    I didn't want to use an automapper for the map from the DTO to the domain object so I was using a function as not all the fields would be set in this update case but you don't need to with your solution.

    Awesome thank you!