A4amen created
This message is not parsing the <strong> tag.
You are in Trial period for <strong>Pro</strong> edition, click here to purchase.
When I click on it take me to this url
Which shows an error page.
My demo paypal account is properly set and working well.
This parameter is editionPaymentType=BuyNow is probably the source of the issue.
Kindly help resolve it.
1 Answer(s)
This message is not parsing the tag.
see https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/commit/9db8420a6594d0bd2663c1e0f39d94394404ab68
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> @Html.Raw(L("TrialSubscriptionNotification", "<strong>" + Model.LoginInformations.Tenant.Edition.DisplayName + "</strong>", L("ClickHere")))
When I click on it take me to this url http://localhost:62114/Payment/Buy?editionId=5&editionPaymentType=BuyNow Which shows an error page.
What are the detailed error pages and error logs?