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Help in understanding time when background job runs! #8573

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ajayak created


Background job has Timer.Period property which controls when to run the job. But also I have hangfire connected which has its own way of running jobs via CRON expression.

Here is an example:

// At 1:50 of every 7th day
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<ShipmentAddressLocationCoordinatesWorker>(job => job.Start(), "50 1 * * 0", TimeZoneInfo.Utc);

inside the ShipmentAddressLocationCoordinatesWorker constuctor:

Timer.Period = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; // 7 Days

The problem is, I have no idea when the job's DoWork function will be executed! I checked the logs and saw that this job never executed. Can someone help me on understanding how to correctly use Timer.Period property? :)

9 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team


    I think you are talking about Background Worker.

    It has nothing to do with hangfire.


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    ajayak created

    Hi @maliming,

    I'm little confused here. Aren't the background jobs handled by hangfire when abp hangfire package is added?

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    maliming created
    Support Team

    hangfire works for background jobs, but the Timer.Period you mentioned belongs to the background worker. It has nothing to do with hangfire.

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    ajayak created

    In the example I posted above, can you provide information on when the DoWork function will be executed in ShipmentAddressLocationCoordinatesWorker? :)

    At 1:50 of every 7th day ?

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    maliming created
    Support Team

    You are calling hangfire's api. RecurringJob has nothing to do with Abp.

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    BobIngham created

    @ajayak When you use Hangfire it's initialised in your Startup and instantiated in your WebCoreModule, which you probably already know:

    if (WebConsts.HangfireDashboardEnabled)
        //Hangfire(Enable to use Hangfire instead of default job manager)
        services.AddHangfire(config =>

    Your HangfireService class triggers jobs using standard CRON scheduling:

    public class HangfireService
        public static void InitializeJobs()
            RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<UpdateFromDataProvider>(job => job.Execute(0), "30 * * * *");

    Zero's background jobs work a little differently. They are instantiated into your WebHostModule:

    if (IocManager.Resolve<IMultiTenancyConfig>().IsEnabled)
        var workManager = IocManager.Resolve<IBackgroundWorkerManager>();

    And the timing is declared at the top of the Worker class:

    namespace Nuagecare.MultiTenancy
        public class SubscriptionExpirationCheckWorker : PeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase, ISingletonDependency
            private const int CheckPeriodAsMilliseconds = 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000; //1 hour

    Hope that helps. Zero's background workers and Hangfire workers can work, it's not one or the other, it can be both.

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    ajayak created

    Hi @bobingham,

    Here is my code for job:

    public class ShipmentAddressLocationCoordinatesWorker : PeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase, ISingletonDependency
        public ShipmentAddressLocationCoordinatesWorker(AbpTimer timer) : base(timer)
            Timer.Period = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; // 7 Days
        protected override void DoWork()
            // My Code

    and I initialize this with Hangfire as:

    // At 1:50 of every 7th day
     RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<ShipmentAddressLocationCoordinatesWorker>(job => job.Start(), "50 1 * * 0", TimeZoneInfo.Utc);

    This is also added in ApplicationModule's PostInitialize function


    Am I doing something wrong here? Having 2 expressions for timer is really confusing. Can it be simplified?

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    BobIngham created

    Hi @ajayak, If you're happy working with Hangfire then stick with Hangfire only. Invoke Hangfire in your WebCoreModule as above. Place your job in the HangfireService:

    public class HangfireService
        public static void InitializeJobs()
            RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<ShipmentAddressLocationCoordinatesWorker>(job => job.Execute(0), "50 1 * * 0");

    Then your worker looks something like below. You are trying to run an abp background worker by firing it from Hangfire.

    namespace Nuagecare.Web.Hangfire.Workers
        public class UpdateFromDataProvider : BackgroundJob<int>, ITransientDependency
            public IAbpSession _abpSession;
            private readonly IRepository<Tenant> _tenantRepository;
            private readonly DataProviderAPIProvider _dataProviderAPIProvider;
            public UpdateFromDataProvider(
                IAbpSession abpSession,
                IRepository<Tenant> tenantRepository,
                DataProviderAPIProvider dataProviderAPIProvider)
                _abpSession = abpSession;
                _tenantRepository = tenantRepository;
                _dataProviderAPIProvider = dataProviderAPIProvider;
            [DisableConcurrentExecution(timeoutInSeconds: 10 * 60)]
            [AutomaticRetry(Attempts = 0)]
            public override void Execute(int number)
                var env = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("HostingEnvironment") as IHostingEnvironment;
                ... code removed for brevity

    Hopefully that shuold be a little clearer. Here's how it looks in VS. Probably the guys at Zero will tell me I have everything wrong!!!! This has been up and working in an Azure production site for over a year and never fails.

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    ajayak created

    Thanks :)