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Adding namespace Abp.Linq.Extensions results in error on query #8577

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geoteam created

I am trying to create a query that queries an address and person using multiple keywords. There is a person table, an address table and a link table addressPerson (m:n). The query looks like this:

var searchwords = !input.Filter.IsNullOrEmpty() ? input.Filter.Split(" ") : null;

            var query = _addressPersonCompanyRepository
                .Include(a => a.Address)
                .Include(p => p.PersonCompany)
                .Include(t => t.PersonCompany.Title)
                    e => searchwords.All(w => String
                    .Join(" ", e.PersonCompany.NameCompany, e.PersonCompany.Firstname, e.Address.Street, e.Address.Location)
                    .Contains(w, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

            var addressCount = await query.CountAsync();

            var addressPersonCompanies = query

            var addressPersonCompanyListDto = ObjectMapper.Map<List<AddressPersonCompanyDto>>(addressPersonCompanies);

            return new PagedResultDto<AddressPersonCompanyDto>(

Without the namespace Abp.Linq.Extensions and .ToList() the query works if searchwords contains one or more strings. If the namespace is added because it is needed for .PageBy, I get the following error message:

System.InvalidOperationException HResult=0x80131509 Nachricht = The LINQ expression 'DbSet<AdrAddressPersonCompany> .Where(a => __ef_filter__p_0 || !(((ISoftDelete)a).IsDeleted) && __ef_filter__p_1 || (Nullable<int>)((IMustHaveTenant)a).TenantId == __ef_filter__CurrentTenantId_2) .Join( outer: DbSet<AdrPersonCompany> .Where(a0 => __ef_filter__p_3 || !(((ISoftDelete)a0).IsDeleted) && __ef_filter__p_4 || (Nullable<int>)((IMustHaveTenant)a0).TenantId == __ef_filter__CurrentTenantId_5), inner: a => EF.Property<Nullable<long>>(a, "PersonCompanyId"), outerKeySelector: a0 => EF.Property<Nullable<long>>(a0, "Id"), innerKeySelector: (o, i) => new TransparentIdentifier<AdrAddressPersonCompany, AdrPersonCompany>( Outer = o, Inner = i )) .Join( outer: DbSet<AdrAddress> .Where(a1 => __ef_filter__p_6 || !(((ISoftDelete)a1).IsDeleted) && __ef_filter__p_7 || (Nullable<int>)((IMustHaveTenant)a1).TenantId == __ef_filter__CurrentTenantId_8), inner: a => EF.Property<Nullable<long>>(a.Outer, "AddressId"), outerKeySelector: a1 => EF.Property<Nullable<long>>(a1, "Id"), innerKeySelector: (o, i) => new TransparentIdentifier<TransparentIdentifier<AdrAddressPersonCompany, AdrPersonCompany>, AdrAddress>( Outer = o, Inner = i )) .Where(a => __searchwords_0 .All(w => string.Join( separator: " ", value: new string[] { a.Outer.Inner.NameCompany, a.Outer.Inner.Firstname, a.Inner.Street, a.Inner.Location }).Contains( value: w, comparisonType: InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to either AsEnumerable(), AsAsyncEnumerable(), ToList(), or ToListAsync(). See for more information. Quelle = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore

I have tested:

  1. ToList() without namesspace => work
  2. ToList() with namespace => error
  3. .AsQueryable() with/without namespace => shows intern error

Is there any workaround or a better way to get results from database with multiple keywords over multiple columns? I'm using .netCore & JQuery

8 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    I think ef core cannot translate the Contains(string, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) method.


    	e => searchwords.All(w => String
    	.Join(" ", e.PersonCompany.NameCompany, e.PersonCompany.Firstname, e.Address.Street, e.Address.Location)
    	.Contains(w, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
  • User Avatar
    geoteam created

    Hi maliming, you are right. But I think the problem also has something to do with the namespace Abp.Linq.Extensions. Running the query ....ToList() without using Abp.Linq.Extensions namespace works as expected. If I add the namespace, there is an error.

    On the other side ...AsQueryable() doesn't work with or without the namespace Abp.Linq.Extensions.

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    I think the problem also has something to do with the namespace Abp.Linq.Extensions.

    This should be related to where the ToList method is called.

    Please share the corresponding code.

  • User Avatar
    geoteam created
    using Abp.Linq.Extensions;
    public class AddressAppService : MyAppAppServiceBase, IAddressAppService
                public AddressAppService(IRepository<AdrAddress> addressRepository,
                            IRepository<AdrPersonCompany> personCompanyRepository,
                            IRepository<AdrAddressPersonCompany> addressPersonCompanyRepository,
                            IRepository<AdrTitle> titleRepository,
                            IDbContextProvider<TreasureMapDbContext> dbContextProvider)
                            _addressRepository = addressRepository;
                            _personCompanyRepository = personCompanyRepository;
                            _addressPersonCompanyRepository = addressPersonCompanyRepository;
                            _titleRepository = titleRepository;
                            _dbContextProvider = dbContextProvider;
                  public ListResultDto<AddressPersonCompanyDto> GetAddressPersonCompanies(GetAddressesInput input)
                            var searchwords =  !input.Filter.IsNullOrEmpty() ? input.Filter.Split(" ") : null;
                            var addressPersonCompanies = _addressPersonCompanyRepository
                                .Include(adr => adr.Address)
                                .Include(pers => pers.PersonCompany)
                                .Include(tit => tit.PersonCompany.Title)
                                    e => searchwords.All(w => String
                                    .Join(" ", e.PersonCompany.NameCompany, e.PersonCompany.Firstname, e.Address.Street, e.Address.Location)
                                    .Contains(w, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            return new ListResultDto<AddressPersonCompanyDto>(ObjectMapper.Map<List<AddressPersonCompanyDto>>(addressPersonCompanies));            

    Does that help you?

  • User Avatar
    aaron created
    Support Team

    Which namespace do you get .WhereIf from?

    Without Abp.Linq.Expressions namespace, I believe .WhereIf is doing an in-memory search that is equivalent to:

      var addressPersonCompanies = _addressPersonCompanyRepository
          .Include(adr => adr.Address)
          .Include(pers => pers.PersonCompany)
          .Include(tit => tit.PersonCompany.Title)
    +     .ToList()
              e => searchwords.All(w => String
                  .Join(" ", e.PersonCompany.NameCompany, e.PersonCompany.Firstname, e.Address.Street, e.Address.Location)
                  .Contains(w, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

    For performance, I suggest storing a pre-calculated NormalizedSearchTarget property:

    addressPersonCompany.NormalizedSearchTarget = String
        .Join(" ", e.PersonCompany.NameCompany, e.PersonCompany.Firstname, e.Address.Street, e.Address.Location)

    And then searching would be:

    var searchwords = !input.Filter.IsNullOrEmpty()
        ? input.Filter.Split(" ").Select(w => w.ToUpperInvariant()).ToList()
        : null;
    e => searchwords.All(w => e.NormalizedSearchTarget.Contains(w))
  • User Avatar
    geoteam created

    Thanks for reply. Without including Abp.Linq.Expressions namespace, it is Abp.Collections.Extensions.WhereIf(). I will test your suggestion next week.

  • User Avatar
    geoteam created

    Can you give me a hint, where to do

    addressPersonCompany.NormalizedSearchTarget = String
        .Join(" ", e.PersonCompany.NameCompany, e.PersonCompany.Firstname, e.Address.Street, e.Address.Location)
  • User Avatar
    aaron created
    Support Team

    You can implement domain event handlers for PersonCompany and Address in which you update AddressPersonCompany.
