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mhdevelop created

The getting started guide talks only Visual studio 2017. Will the solution compile and work in 2019. What are steps with 2019?

I have installed Node.js with npm latest Installed yarn latest Earn yarn at mvc folder Changed connecting string Ran update-database the ssolution runs but it seems css and Java script is not applied correctly . The login button does not work and change tenent does not work. I see some errors in npm_node packages list saying some packages not found. Please let me know hoe to solve the issue.

Thanks Vee

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    What are steps with 2019?

    There is not much difference between vs2017 and vs2019.

    the ssolution runs but it seems css and Java script is not applied correctly . The login button does not work and change tenent does not work. I see some errors in npm_node packages list saying some packages not found. Please let me know hoe to solve the issue.

    Before running the project, we need to run a npm task to bundle and minify the CSS and JavaScript files. In order to do that, we can open a command prompt, navigate to root directory of *.Web.Mvc project and run npm run create-bundles command. This command should be run when a new npm package is being added to the solution.

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    mhdevelop created

    Thank you for the quick response. This helped.