This might be related to the changes made back in January ( or with the DB migration 20200305082815_Upgraded_To_Abp_5_3 but not sure. If I change the index specified in the error to not be unique I can then create an OU again but I am not sure what impact that might have on the system.
If I add an OU at the root level and then delete it and try to add another OU at the root level I get the following error in my logs. I also get this error if I add, delete and then try to add a child OU. Also, when I look at my DB I do have a row for Tenant 2 and Code 00002 but it is flagged as IsDeleted.
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.AbpOrganizationUnits' with unique index 'IX_AbpOrganizationUnits_TenantId_Code'. The duplicate key value is (2, 00002)
5 Answer(s)
It sounds like this is already being discussed and possibly worked on?
8.5 shouldn't have this problem, I have fixed it here temporarily
I will give that a try and will post results here this week (hopefully). It will be a good chance for us to test updating our code to a new version of ASP.NET ZERO.
Thanks! -
Waiting for your good news. : )
I have tested this in 8.7.0 and it seems to be working!