Hello ANZ Team,
I am using hangfire for my background tasks. I have created 8 tasks and at the moment they are all idle until their scheduled exection. My app is deployed to azure and I am noticing in my application insights >> live metrics that the CPU is spiking for above 50% whenever I switch between tabs in the hangfire portal. More precisely in the Recurring Jobs tab. I would understand if there are running jobs but there is none. And my app service is idle too since there are no operations running at the moment. My questions is why is that happening? Have you come across such issue?
Please advise.
4 Answer(s)
Did you upgrade hangfire to the latest version?
You can look at hangfire's github or forum to find more information.
I am in v8.2 of ANZ. I can see you just release v8.6. Does it include an upgraded Hangfire component? I don't see it in the change log though.
You can also try to use the hangfire API directly, so you can determine whether the problem is hangfire or zero.
Okay thank you @maliming.