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Override sweetalert Ok button for server side errors #8910

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alwefaq created

How can I override the Ok button text for other languages in sweetalert message box for serverside errors
Annotation 2020-04-23 170324.png

5 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team


    • What is your product version?

    • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)?

    • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)?

    • What language code are you using? (en, tr, etc)?

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    alwefaq created

    What is your product version? 5.1.0
    What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
    Angular CLI: 6.2.3
    Node: 12.13.0
    OS: win32 x64
    Angular: 6.1.7

    What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .net core
    What language code are you using? (en, tr, etc)? Arabic - ar

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    aaron created
    Support Team

    ASP .NET Zero 5.x

    ASP .NET Zero 5.1.0 Angular is using SweetAlert v2.

    In angular/src/AppPreBootstrap.ts:

    + (abp as any).libs.sweetAlert.config.error.button = abp.localization.localize('Ok', 'AbpZeroTemplate');

    Replace AbpZeroTemplate with your project source name.

    ASP .NET Zero 6+

    ASP .NET Zero 6.0.0/6.6.0/8.4.0+ Angular is using SweetAlert2 v7/v8/v9+.

    In angular/src/assets/abp-web-resources/abp.sweet-alert.js:

    - options.confirmButtonText = options.confirmButtonText || abp.localization.abpWeb('Ok');
    + options.confirmButtonText = options.confirmButtonText || abp.localization.localize('Ok', 'AbpZeroTemplate');

    PR for fix: aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core#3208 (ASP .NET Zero 8.7.0)

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    alwefaq created

    i tried your first solution but it didn't work,

    Annotation 2020-05-21 145455.png

    this could be because I have an older version for the UI.

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    aaron created
    Support Team

    Try (abp as any):

    - abp.libs.sweetAlert.config.error.button = abp.localization.localize('Ok', 'AbpZeroTemplate');
    + (abp as any).libs.sweetAlert.config.error.button = abp.localization.localize('Ok', 'AbpZeroTemplate');