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Call service for on Entity while editing another? How to use<entity>.getAll() (Core/ Jquery) #9048

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marble68 created

If I use a standard jquery ajax call to the URL, will permissions and security be applied?

Or is there a abp / zero way this should be done?

If a user has permissions while editing one entity, I need to show a list of other other, active entities, if the user has permissions to them.

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

Kind regards,

4 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    How to use<entity>.getAll() (Core/ Jquery)

    If I use a standard jquery ajax call to the URL, will permissions and security be applied?

    Yes. The permission check is on the backend of the api application.

    If a user has permissions while editing one entity, I need to show a list of other other, active entities, if the user has permissions to them.

    I don't quite understand, can you share the use case?

    You can get the entities within the scope of user permissions through api.

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    marble68 created

    Thank you - Sorry - bit new.

    I have a page for users to create custom portlets.

    Then, on another page, the users can drag drop their portlets out of their "toolbox", creating a portlet page. (An entity that contains a list of portlets and their arrangement).

    Finally, the custom portlet page is rendered to the public facing side. Sort of like how the dashboard behaves, but this is for the user to define what's rendered and how.

    Thanks for your help !!

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    maliming created
    Support Team

    hi @marble68

    I saw that you closed the question, has your problem been solved?

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    marble68 created

    Yes, thank you.