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View component in modal window #9072

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geoteam created

Hello, I'm having trouble embedding a view component into a Modal Insert/Edit form. Is it possible that this does not work? I have tried to analyze the error, but the only thing that is displayed: POST http://localhost:62114/App/Addresses/CreateOrEditAddressModal 500 (Internal Server Error) in app-layout-libs.min.js:10320


@using Zero.Addresses
@using Zero.Web.Areas.App.Models.Common.Modals
@using Zero.Web.Areas.App.Views.Shared.Components.AppModalRegTable

@model Zero.Web.Areas.App.Models.Addresses.CreateOrEditAddressModalViewModel
@await Html.PartialAsync("\~/Areas/App/Views/Common/Modals/\_ModalHeader.cshtml", new ModalHeaderViewModel(Model.IsEditMode ? (L("EditAddress") + ": " + Model.AddressPersonCompany.PersonCompanyNameCompany) : L("CreateNewAddress")))

<div class="modal-body">
    <form role="form" novalidate class="form-validation kt-form">
    @await Html.PartialAsync("~/Areas/App/Views/Common/Modals/_ModalFooterWithSaveAndCancel.cshtml")
<div class="modalForm__RegisterTablePartial">
    @await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(AppModalRegisterTableViewComponent), new { registerTable = "Title" })

Default.cshtml (for testing) of Viewcomponent

@model TreasureMap.Web.Areas.App.Models.RegisterTable.RegisterTableViewModel


public class AppModalRegisterTableViewComponent : ZeroMapViewComponent
        public AppModalRegisterTableViewComponent()

        public IViewComponentResult Invoke(string registerTable)
            var regTableModel = new RegisterTableViewModel
                DisplayName = string.Empty,
                TableName = string.Empty

            return View(regTableModel);

Comment out the line @await Component.Invoke... then modal window is shown. At another place (in the menu bar) I also have a ViewComponent. There it works.

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @geoteam,

    Could you check the server side log file to see error details ? It is App_Data/Logs/Logs.txt file.

  • User Avatar
    geoteam created

    Hi ismcagdas, thank you for giving me the right lead. With the log it was no problem to fix the error. The name of the directory was not the same as the name of the view component. Therefore the default.cshtml was not found. Many greetings geoteam