Hello Everyone, We have a SaaS Healthare which we have to move aspnetzero with Micro-Service container and Modular based Architecture. Also our authentication will be done with D365 CRM.
Do you know how can you extend Authorization to D365 CRM? Also how can we extended aspnetzero to Microservice archietcture?
Any help would be great
Regards, Shoriful Islam
3 Answer(s)
Do you know how can you extend Authorization to D365 CRM?
You can use OpenIdConnect feature of AspNet Zero for this.
Also how can we extended aspnetzero to Microservice archietcture?
Unfortunately, we can't provide a general answer to this question. AspNet Zero is designed as a monolithic application. If you have specific questions for your Microservice arhcitecture specific to AspNet Zero, we can try to help you.
Hello, Thanks for your response. I have few other questions How does OpenIdConnecct will work with asp.net Zero Roles? Why does external authentication will not work?
Regards, Shoriful Islam
Hi @Sislam
You can use external authentication but in that case you have to implement connecting to D365 CRM and getting user details from D365 CRM. I'm not sure but I think D365 CRM supports OpenId Connect. If so, it would be easier to implement/configure.
If you use OpenId Connect, AspNet Zero will not retrieve roles from external source. You must assign local AspNet Zero roles to user.