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Build Pipeline fails after upgrading to v8.9.2 #9192

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james.marley created

Our azure pipeline is failing after upgrading our project from version 8.8 to version 8.9.2. We are getting the error message 'Specify which project file to use because this '/home/vsts/work/1/s' contains more than one project file' when installing entity framework in the pipeline using the command dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef. So, we disabled the task and got another error at the NPM build stage SyntaxError in plugin "gulp-uglify-es".

To test out the build process I used the latest clean version of 8.9.2 without any of our code in just the standard boilerplate files and tried to run through the same pipeline which produced the same errors. I also did the same with version 8.8, again the boilerplate files with none of our code introduced, and this was successful.

Is there anything we are missing or have done wrong? The new version complies and runs on my local machine with the tests passing.

See build process steps below:

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