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Wrong when show entityTypeHistoryModal ?? #9226

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sempus created


  • When i create a record for the component (Angular).

For example : 'Sp.Portal.AnhkMains.KeHoachKscl' , Entity = 7, at 06/18/2020 16:29

  • Then I clicked to button the history at the List form

<a href="javascript:;" *ngIf="entityHistoryEnabled" (click)="showHistory(record.keHoachKscl)">{{l('History')}}</a>
<entityTypeHistoryModal #entityTypeHistoryModal></entityTypeHistoryModal>

  • Popup History show
    There are 2 records displayed (this is wrong). It should have only had one record I just created

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    musa.demir created

    It says Created as an action. It is creation record.


    What is you product version ?

  • User Avatar
    sempus created

    My product version is V08.07.00 (Angular + NetCore 3).
    I think this my mistake.
    I deleted all the data in AbpEntityChangeSets and AbpEntityChanges
    Then, The data has displayed correctly.
    Maybe when I delete the data directly in the Database ('Sp.Portal.AnhkMains.KeHoachKscl") and don't clear AbpEntityChanges => So, The old entityId is still in AbpEntityChanges, AbpEntityChangeSets

    Thank for replying!