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How to get the current logged in user info? #9289

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dzungle created

Hello Support Team,

I am using aspnetzero core version 8.9.2. I want to get the current userId using AbpSession.UserId, but it null. Please, see the image below:

I see there's an other way (from abp site) that uses AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier(). But I cannot find this extension method.

Please, help me. Urgently

Thank you in advance

3 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team


    Are you using MVC or angular? Does your method require authentication and authorized to call?

    Please share some code.

    I see there's an other way (from abp site) that uses AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier(). But I cannot find this extension method.

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    dzungle created

    Hello Mailiming,

    I am using angular. In the frontend, I use the Syncfusion FileUpload component which needs to set an API for save action as following:

    The file is uploaded successfully, but in the same method I cannot get the current user. Here is my code:

    Thank you for quick reply

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    musa.demir created

    Can you please share your angular part of code which cause you to not get current user info?