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Demo download #9300

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lalande1988 created


I am not clear about downloading the package. We have 1 license, 2 developers and we are working on development / test and production server (so, 3 in total). We need to download 3 times. I noticed that the "standard" and the "demo" download differ in the namespace convention. Can we download 3x the standard (without demo) version? Next to impossible to change the name space afterwards. Please advise. thanks.

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @lalande1988,

    If you are not sure about the project name (and namaspace), you can download a Demo project and rename it in the future when you decide your project name. But, we don't provide a tool for renaming, so you must rename it yourself.

    If you use same project name, you can download as many times as you want.