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Hangfire vs jobs - when to use hangfire? #9352

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marble68 created

What's the reason to use hangfire?

It seems very robust, but I'm not grasping why one would want to use hangfaire over the existing job engine in ABP.

One benefit I see is that it's database driven, so could be run on a different server than the web server - but it seems the existing job engine could be used in the same manner.

I'm just trying to understand what the rationale is to use handfire.

Does it benefit web app performance in some way, because of its threading?

3 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team


    The implementation of abp is relatively simple. If it can meet your needs, you can continue to use it. If you have more needs for jobs management, you can check some features of hangfire...

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    marble68 created

    So, the reason one might want to use HandFire over the built in background jobs is granularity of control?

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    In short: hangfire focuses on jobs. It is more powerful and has more features.