I have followed the guide for Adding New Metronic Theme but when I select the theme "ThemeX" from the Visual Settings and click Save, it then highlights the "Default" theme and as if the new theme doe not exist.
The is new deployment with very little customization at this point using ANZ version 9 (Metronic 7) using Core MVC (jQuery).
Thanks, Robert
4 Answer(s)
Hi @azmanagedit,
Could you check the AbpSettings table to see if theme setting is changed or not ?
@ismcagdas I confirmed it is not changing in the AbpSettings table. I tried making changes to other themes and they work correctly, but selecting "ThemeX" does not work...it sets the "default" theme.
Do you have something like below for your newly added theme's nav item ?
@(Model.Theme == AppConsts.ThemeX ? "active" : "")"
Similar to what we have here https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/blob/dev/aspnet-core/src/MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web.Mvc/Areas/AppAreaName/Views/UiCustomization/Index.cshtml#L28